Particle Flow Through an L-valve
This video is part of set of simulations for a novel, fluidised-bed-based plastic recycling system. In this simulation, particle flow through an L valve is studied.
This video is part of set of simulations for a novel, fluidised-bed-based plastic recycling system. In this simulation, particle flow through an L valve is studied.
This presentation by Ray Fletcher is part one of a two-part presentation that explores how to extract key data from Barracuda Virtual Reactor simulation results.
Thank you again to all who made our Inaugural Barracuda Virtual Reactor Users’ Conference a huge success! On this page you will find the PDFs of several of the…
Barracuda VR 16.0.4 for Linux 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit is available for download from CPFD Software. This is the first Series 16 release of Windows, and contains both CPU…
Barracuda VR 16.0.3 for Linux 64-bit is available for download from CPFD Software. A Windows version of Series 16 will be released soon upon completion of testing. Barracuda VR 16.0.3…