CPFD Software can meet your fluid-particle modeling needs with a wide range of software, including Barracuda Virtual Reactor and Arena-flow. Both utilize the Reprise License Manager (RLM) to serve licenses, so the information and instructions below are pertinent to both software options unless specifically noted otherwise. In order to use either software, you must have access to a valid software license. See our Software Licensing page for more details.
Plan the Client-Server Configuration
It is possible to configure RLM in several ways, depending on your needs and preferences. RLMCloud, an on-premise RLM server, or a combination of the two can be used. The most convenient and common option for most users is RLMCloud which is an easy-to-use, cloud-based solution for serving RLM licenses. RLMCloud is hosted by Reprise Software. Advantages of using RLMCloud include:
- Users and system administrators do not need to configure and maintain an on-premise RLM server. Instead, a user-level RLMCloud license file is specified in the GUI license server manager, and the software is ready to run.
- RLMCloud is compatible with cloud-based computing platforms such as Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
- Increasing your license count or adding short-term licenses is a seamless and no-hassle process. CPFD, or your local in-country distributor, can quickly adjust licenses as needed, with no license administration burden for users.
- RLMCloud enables licensing options such as on-demand metered licensing for overflow usage, which is not available for on-premise RLM licenses.
- RLMCloud includes a customer portal so that users have visibility into their license servers. This portal allows you to view current license server status as well as users of licenses, view and download server log files, and edit license server options.

Another option is to have a standalone RLM license server which is not intended to run simulations. This is common when a centralized license server already exists, or when an always-on file server is able to act as the RLM server as well.

- When using an on-premise RLM server, the RLM server and all RLM client machines must be on the same network, or the network must be configured to allow all machines to see each other, in order for the licenses to work.
- An on-premise RLM server must be a physical machine. A virtual machine (VM) cannot be used as the RLM license server host.