2025 AIChE Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts – April 7, 2025
April 7

CPFD Software encourages members of our user community to submit abstracts to the AIChE Annual Meeting. We are continually excited by opportunities to share our community’s research, and the Particle Technology Forum at this conference is an ideal platform to share, learn, and discuss the latest advancements in fluidization technology.
The AIChE Annual Meeting is the premier educational forum for chemical engineers interested in innovation and professional growth. Academic and industry experts will cover wide range of topics relevant to cutting-edge research, new technologies, and emerging growth areas in chemical engineering.
CONTINUING FOR 2025: The Executive Board of the Program Committee (EBPC) has developed a set of standards for abstracts accepted for presentation. These guidelines will be used by session chairs during the review process. Papers will be graded on relevance, completeness, clarity, and overall significance.