Meet us there to see how CPFD Software’s Barracuda Virtual Reactor simulation software reduces development risk while accelerating the scale-up and commercialization of advanced recycling technologies.
To learn more about Virtual Reactor applications in the chemical recycling industry, please visit our Clean Technologies page.
About AMI Chemical Recycling
The third edition of the Chemical Recycling event is returning to Houston on March 20-22, 2023 at The Westin Houston Medical Center and explores the landscape of chemical recycling, it’s potential impact, as well as progress made across the value chain to incorporate the technologies into the North American recycling industry.
Chemical Recycling will cover the various technologies collected under the term “chemical or advanced recycling” as well as what is further required to bring them to scale. As sustainability continues to dominate the conversation in the plastics industry, get to know how this emerging sector is assisting the transition to a circular economy with high level presentations, interactive sessions and extensive networking time with representatives from across the supply chain. This event is relevant for anyone looking to understand the current market for advanced recycling and connect with key players in the industry.
About CPFD Software
CPFD Software is advancing multiphase simulation and technology. Our flagship product, Barracuda Virtual Reactor®, is a physics-based engineering software package that simulates the three-dimensional, transient, fluid-particle hydrodynamics, heat balance, and chemical reactions in industrial fluidized bed reactors and other fluid-particle systems.
Virtual Reactor™ enables researchers and engineers working with advanced/chemical recycling technologies to explore a broad range of ideas, reduce physical testing costs, and minimize development risk, all while accelerating commercialization, scale-up, and overall time to market. The simulation results provide an objective basis for effectively communicating technological merits to partners, customers, and investors, while increasing market exposure and bolstering patent applications.
The Virtual Reactor technology can be accessed via software licensing, services, or custom collaborative arrangements.